Saturday, April 30, 2016

Z is for Zia @AprilA2Z #AtoZChallenge

The Zia Sun Symbol is commonly seen around New Mexico, even on their state flag. But where did it come from?

New Mexico's state flag, Picture from Wikipedia

The Zia people are an indigenous tribe, and they currently live on the Zia Pueblo outside of Albuquerque. 

The sun is considered a sacred symbol, and the Zia symbol design reflects the tribe's philosophy of harmony of all things in the universe.

There are four rays in four directions on the Zia Sun Symbol, meant to show the four points on the compass, four seasons of the year, the four seasons of life (childhood, youth, middle age, old age), and the four sacred obligations one must develop according to Zia belief (strong body, clear mind, pure spirit, and devotion to the welfare of others). 

The state flag of New Mexico (pictured above) has the red Zia on a field of Spanish yellow, symbolizing both parts of the state's culture and heritage.

I hope you've enjoyed these little snippets of New Mexican information! I've learned a lot about my new home (though there's a lot more out there) and I can't wait to explore my new home state. 

Happy A-Z-ing!

xoxo Sarah


  1. I had no idea the sun symbol had such interesting meanings. I learned something today! Congratulations on making it through the challenge.

    My final A-Z story features 13 neglected Z words

    1. Thank you! I didn't know it was so interesting, either. Congrats to you as well!

  2. I didn't know this and I lived in New Mexico for 2 years :)

    You did a great job representing New Mexico; enough so that I told hubby the other day Albuquerque could be great to visit for vacation this year!

    Congrats for finishing!


    1. Thank you, Betty! Congrats to you as well! :-) I hope you have an awesome time in ABQ!

  3. A pretty cool looking flag and I love what it symbolises.
    A great theme and I hope you enjoyed the AtoZ ride!
    Rosa Temple writes...

    1. It's been a lot of fun! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. :-)

  4. Zia belief (strong body, clear mind, pure spirit, and devotion to the welfare of others). Good to know. Take care of yourself. Take care of others.
    Good to visit your blog. Congratulations for the last post.
    My Post for Z Today Zeal Required in Blogging to Make it a Success
    A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016 - Co-Participant - Nrao - NRao Blogs
    NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts
    Million Page View Blogs

    1. Always good advice, and thank you! I had a lot of fun!
