Tuesday, April 12, 2016

J is for Jackrabbit #AtoZChallenge @AprilA2Z

New Mexico has a variety of interesting wildlife in general, including Black-Tailed Jackrabbits which inhabit a good portion of the state.

Picture from Wikipedia

Even stranger, though, is that New Mexico--the southern bit, anyway--is home to jaguars. They're extremely rare, but they are listed as a native species.

So, of all the interesting things that can kill you on your outdoor explorations--snakes, falling, etc.--fierce felines are also on the list. They're not common, though, because most of New Mexico is dry and desert-y, and jaguars prefer places with trees. So just watch out for the mountain lions and you'll be all set.

xoxo Sarah


  1. That looks similar to the European hare but with much bigger ears.

    1. I've not seen an European hare, but there were a ton of rabbits of some sort when we lived in England. And they sure were plentiful!

  2. I do remember seeing these when we lived in New Mexico. They are cute. Never saw a jaguar though (and glad I didn't) but when we lived in Prescott, Arizona there were reports of mountain lions around, especially the lake areas.


    1. Yup. I've definitely heard mountain lion warnings around here. Kind of makes me not want to hike, but it's too pretty not to.

  3. Jackrabbits are pretty cool looking.

    Weekends In Maine

    1. They are pretty neat! I haven't seen one in person yet, but there are a lot of regular rabbits and prairie dogs around.
