Saturday, April 7, 2012

"G" is for Grammar. And Punctuation. NSFW (a tiny bit)

Yes, I know punctuation starts with a "P", but grammar and punctuation go together like peanut butter and jelly, or salt and pepper (the spices, but the rap group would work, too), or Brangelina.  You just can't separate them.

As a writer and editor, I'm rather particular about what I read and write, especially if I'm looking at something in a professional capacity.  I'm much more forgiving of things that are more stream-of-consciousness (like this blog, for example), but most of the time, errors in G&P take me right out of whatever I've been reading and make me want to facepunch something.  Rather than give you a whole bunch of reasons on why I'm anal retentive about grammar, let me go ahead and give you some images of real-world examples. In picture form, because, frankly, I like finding and posting them.

Some of the pictures are a little NSFW (not safe for work) but if you have any kids who can't read yet who are looking over your shoulder, you should be okay.  You're welcome for the hilarity.

And finally, one that my husband knows well...

xoxo Sarah


  1. Ah, yes. Lovely examples, all. :)

    I had never seen the baby seals visual and I think I must have it. :)

    Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, my dear! Those baby seals can get pretty wild at 2a.m., let me tell ya...

  2. Hi, Sarah! These are hilarious!!! I'm still chuckling at the Oxford comma one! Thanks for the laughs. :)

    It's nice to meet you, and I hope you have a great weekend! Happy A to Z!!

    1. I'm glad you liked them! The JFK/Stalin one is one of my favorites, too. JFK really looks pretty good in that corset/fishnet thing, weirdly enough...

  3. I saw the baby seals picture the other day and I thought it was hilarious.

    I hadn't seen most of the rest but they're awesome. Especially that conversation between Lindsay and Daniel.

    1. I'm glad you liked them! Even though Daniel was probably making Lindsay's day worse, I have to side with him on that. :-P

  4. Good grammar is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

    1. Hahaha! I've seen that one's a great one.

  5. I'm one of those people who can't stand to see grammatical errors, so this made me laugh so hard I nearly spit out my coffee. Thanks.

    1. I'm not responsible for any keyboard malfunctions due to coffee-spittage. I'm glad you liked them!

  6. Last week I was scheduling college tours for my daughter. One of the sites had quotes from seniors about how awesome the school was. One of them had a word spelled wrong. *fail*

    1. Oh man. Cross that one off the list. *facepalm*

  7. Yeah, I really hate when people try to go on about how grammar and, especially, punctuation are all subjective. There are rules for a reason.

    1. As an editor, I sometimes--but not often--hear, "But it's a style thing!" Sometimes, in rare cases YES, but mostly a big fat NO.

  8. Fun post Sarah. I remember reading somewhere recently that the Oxford comma is under attack? I teach 8th grade English, so I am on the front lines of dealing with ridiculously bad grammar.

    1. Ah! Yes, I feel your pain. My friend teaches middle-school English and she sees quite a lot of weirdness when it comes to their writing. I love the Oxford comma because it clarifies so much, but I know newspapers and some other mediums don't like to use it because it uses extra ink. Oh well...

  9. Grammar errors drive me bonkers. I teach graduate students online and have to correct so many your/you're, there/their/they're errors. Aaargh
    Rhia from Five Minute Piece for Inspiration (around #800 on A to Z Challenge).

    1. Yeah, you'd be surprised how many students in college have no idea how to use those words. It can be frustrating.
