Saturday, March 23, 2013

A-Z? Not this year...

For those of you looking forward to my A-Z Challenge posts, I unfortunately can't participate this year.  My own work and professional editing have to come first.

But, for those of you who are interested in participating or are wondering what it is, here's their link.  There's still time to sign up, and it's a lot of fun.  If you scroll through my labels in the side-bar, you can access my A-Z Challenge-related posts from the past, including some ideas of strategy.

In other awesome news, I'll be at the London Book Fair in the middle of April with the publisher I work for! I'm super excited to actually meet some of the people I work with.  If you're in London, come check it out!  There'll be publishers from all over the world there.  Plus, it's freaking LONDON.

On that note, it's time for me to get some more work done!

xoxo Sarah


  1. Sorry you can't join us! Better to know you can't handle it all ahead of time though. It can easily overwhelm.

    1. Exactly! I didn't want to be running around like a headless chicken and then crash. I hope to participate in next year's, though!

  2. Sorry you can't do it - but work sometimes does come first! The London Book Fair sounds pretty cool! Have a fun time!

    1. Thank you! Work definitely comes first sometimes.

  3. I'm taking a pass, too. The writing for it is fun, but IMO it's just not fair if you can't commit to do the blog visiting - and I can't, this year, with my schedule.

    Have a great time in London.

    1. Exactly...checkout out the other blogs is half the fun, and sometimes hard to fit in under good circumstances. And thanks! London is awesome. :-)
